本文介绍了一种名为“ Hand of Hands”的新颖协作教育游戏的设计,实施和评估,涉及我们设计的儿童和定制的社交机器人(\ Emph {hakshe})。通过这个游戏平台,我们旨在向儿童讲授适当的手卫生实践,并探索在这种环境中亲社会机器人与儿童之间发生的互动程度。我们将游戏化与计算机作为社会演员(CASA)范式融合在一起,以将机器人作为社会演员或游戏中的其他玩家建模。该游戏是使用Godot的2D引擎和Alice 3开发的。在这项研究中,32名参与者通过视频电视节目平台\ Emph {Zoom}在线玩游戏。为了理解亲社会机器人对儿童互动的影响,我们将研究分为两个条件:裸露和没有裸露。对儿童互动的标题和视频分析的详细分析表明,我们的平台帮助孩子学习了良好的手工卫生实践。我们还发现,尽管学习本身并没有受到机器人的亲社会性影响,但使用亲社会机器人会创造出令人愉悦的互动和更大的社交互动。
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In this era of pandemic, the future of healthcare industry has never been more exciting. Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI & ML) present opportunities to develop solutions that cater for very specific needs within the industry. Deep learning in healthcare had become incredibly powerful for supporting clinics and in transforming patient care in general. Deep learning is increasingly being applied for the detection of clinically important features in the images beyond what can be perceived by the naked human eye. Chest X-ray images are one of the most common clinical method for diagnosing a number of diseases such as pneumonia, lung cancer and many other abnormalities like lesions and fractures. Proper diagnosis of a disease from X-ray images is often challenging task for even expert radiologists and there is a growing need for computerized support systems due to the large amount of information encoded in X-Ray images. The goal of this paper is to develop a lightweight solution to detect 14 different chest conditions from an X ray image. Given an X-ray image as input, our classifier outputs a label vector indicating which of 14 disease classes does the image fall into. Along with the image features, we are also going to use non-image features available in the data such as X-ray view type, age, gender etc. The original study conducted Stanford ML Group is our base line. Original study focuses on predicting 5 diseases. Our aim is to improve upon previous work, expand prediction to 14 diseases and provide insight for future chest radiography research.
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量化概率分布之间的异化的统计分歧(SDS)是统计推理和机器学习的基本组成部分。用于估计这些分歧的现代方法依赖于通过神经网络(NN)进行参数化经验变化形式并优化参数空间。这种神经估算器在实践中大量使用,但相应的性能保证是部分的,并呼吁进一步探索。特别是,涉及的两个错误源之间存在基本的权衡:近似和经验估计。虽然前者需要NN课程富有富有表现力,但后者依赖于控制复杂性。我们通过非渐近误差界限基于浅NN的基于浅NN的估计的估算权,重点关注四个流行的$ \ mathsf {f} $ - 分离 - kullback-leibler,chi squared,squared hellinger,以及总变异。我们分析依赖于实证过程理论的非渐近功能近似定理和工具。界限揭示了NN尺寸和样品数量之间的张力,并使能够表征其缩放速率,以确保一致性。对于紧凑型支持的分布,我们进一步表明,上述上三次分歧的神经估算器以适当的NN生长速率接近Minimax率 - 最佳,实现了对数因子的参数速率。
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